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Kinloss House, Kinloss Estate, Cupar, Fife, Scotland, UK

Kinloss House, Kinloss Estate, Cupar, Fife, Scotland

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History of Kinloss Estate

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Kinloss Estate, Cupar, Fife

History of Kinloss Estate

The ColonelKinloss has been in our family for over 130 years. The family moved to Fife in 1887 from the Scottish Borders, and they immediately extended the mansion house and other properties on the estate. The West Wing was added as part of that process.

The original house was built in 1807. The first owner was a retired Colonel in the Honourable East India Company. Our own family also had a long connection with the HEIC serving with the 11th and 23rd Bengal Infantry. The Royal Navy was also represented by George Scott RN who served with Lord Nelson on HMS Victory as a Midshipman. He was later posted to the Caribbean, Mediterranean and Indian Ocean where he served with distinction at the Battle of Tamatave and awarded the Naval General Service Medal ending his career as a Rear Admiral. Other family members traded from Glasgow and had long standing connections with the American Colonies, Jamaica and India in the 18th and 19th, and 20th Centuries.

It was always Scotland the family returned to, to farm. At one time Kinloss extended all the way to the centre of Cupar and the town has grown considerably over the last 100 years! We have various enterprises on the land and grow spring barley (for Whisky) and wheat. The Estate has also been home to the Fife Show for the last 15 years.

We are very proud of and interested in our ancestors, and Chris would be delighted to show guests in the West Wing the family portraits, and various other historic family pieces, and explain where they all fit in, in Kinloss history.

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Kinloss House, Cupar, Fife, Scotland, UK, KY15 4ND
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